Sunday, March 11, 2012

Welcome to the Passionate Geek!

Here we celebrate our passion for gadgets and all sorts of tech!

My goal here is to be able to share my passion for these things with you!  One of the other goals i'd like to keep in mind here is to also offer advise and my experience with various products and services to help you, my readers make a better decision.

If you have an idea or a request for a technology topic there is a very good chance I've had my hands on it and/or read a lot about it!  Just ask!

Along those same lines, I do tech support for for 9-5 and I also will be posting tips and tricks for Windows and Mac, and many various popular applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint), as well as other tech related topics from beginner to advanced, such as setting up a home wireless network and Wifi security.

My wife and I also are expecting our first child soon (Oct 2012) and I'm sure i'll be combining my passion for tech with that as well.  Some ideas I already have are having you guys follow along with me and my decision on getting one of those fancy wireless video baby monitors!

Just remember, no matter what you do, be passionate about it!

Christian, The Passionate Geek

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